
Neck and Back Pain Relief:  Back and neck pain has become a common problem in today's busy lifestyle. This problem can arise due to many reasons like working for long hours sitting (Desk Job Health Tips), sleeping in the wrong position, and stress. Neck and back pain affects our daily life, because due to them we face difficulty in doing even small tasks. Therefore, to get rid of them and also for prevention, it is necessary to do yoga daily. There are some yogasanas (Yoga Poses for Posture Improvement) which help in relieving the pain of back and neck muscles. Let us know the names of those yogasanas. 


Why are yogasanas beneficial?

Yogasanas not only strengthen the body, but also calm the mind. These asanas make the back and neck muscles flexible, improve blood circulation and also reduce stress. This provides relief from back and neck pain and keeps the spine healthy.


Which yoga asanas are beneficial for neck and back pain?

  • Tadasana- This asana helps in keeping the body straight and improving posture.
  • Bhujangasana - This asana strengthens the back muscles and makes the spine flexible.
  • Marjaryasana - This asana increases the flexibility of the spine and helps in reducing tension in the lower back muscles.
  • Shashankasana- This asana relaxes the neck and back and reduces stress.
  • Ustrasana - This asana opens the chest and stretches the back muscles.
  • Dhanurasana- This asana strengthens the whole body and makes the back flexible. It relieves stiffness of the neck and back muscles.

Precautions while doing yoga

  • If you are doing yoga for the first time or do not know about it, then do yoga asanas under the supervision of a yoga instructor.
  • If you have any injury or illness, consult a doctor before starting yoga.
  • While doing yoga, proceed slowly and do not try to be perfect in one go.
  • If you feel pain in any asana, stop it immediately.

What else to do besides yoga?

Along with yoga, you can also do some other things like-


  • Taking a bath with warm water- Taking a bath with warm water reduces muscle tension and provides relief from pain.
  • Massage- Massage improves blood circulation and reduces muscle tension.
  • Stress Management- Stress can increase back and neck pain, so methods like meditation and journaling can be adopted to reduce stress .
  • Healthy Food- Healthy food makes the body strong and helps in fighting diseases.
  • Good sleep- Getting adequate sleep relaxes the body and also reduces muscle stiffness.
