
New Delhi. Working out is very important to stay fit and healthy. These days, the trend of working out has increased a lot among people. Most people resort to workouts to lose weight or build their body, but after working out, some people may feel muscle strain and stiffness, due to which the desire to work out again decreases.

Why do you feel stiff after a workout?

However, do not get stressed about this stiffness. This is a natural process, which some people feel immediately after a workout and some people feel it 24 to 72 hours after a workout. This is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). The following can be the reasons for this stiffness or pain-

  • Trying a new exercise
  • Trying an old exercise after a long time
  • putting extra load on a pulled muscle

Remove stiffness with these measures

The reasons mentioned above can cause muscle pain , cramps and stiffness, due to which it becomes difficult to move properly. In such a situation, swelling or lack of strength can also be felt. But if this causes hindrance in walking and doing daily work, then some necessary steps should be taken to fix it. Let us know how to get rid of muscle stiffness after workout -


Massage the part where you are feeling pain. This increases blood flow in the affected area, which will reduce pain. Massage within 24 hours of workout is more beneficial.

Do stretches

Do gentle stretches without any pressure to keep the affected area active and increase blood flow without putting pressure on the muscles.

OTC creams and gels

Apply OTC creams containing menthol or capsaicin, which helps to relieve muscle stiffness and pain. These creams and gels are also helpful in quickly repairing small tears in the muscles.

Compression Bandage

Tying a compression bandage or garment made of nylon or spandex tightly to the stiff or painful area exerts uniform pressure on the muscle group and increases blood flow to that area. This provides quick relief from pain.
