
Dubai. Houthi rebels have taken several people, including nine UN personnel posted in Yemen, hostage. All the personnel taken hostage are of Yemeni origin. It is not yet clear under what circumstances the UN personnel were taken captive and where they are being kept. Houthi rebels, who have occupied a large area of ​​Yemen, have been attacking ships passing through the Red Sea for the past seven months in protest against the Israeli attack on Gaza.

The US Navy-led coalition has also not been successful in stopping these attacks. But during this time, US and UK fighter planes have continuously attacked Houthi-occupied areas in Yemen and attacked their resources. It is believed that due to this, the Houthi, who are facing financial difficulties, have tried to create pressure by attacking UN personnel.

A few days before this, the alleged Houthi court had sentenced 44 Saudi Arabian supporters to death. The UN employees who have been taken captive were associated with the Human Rights Council, development program and food program. A special envoy has also been taken captive. A woman is also among the captives. But the United Nations has not yet given any statement on this incident. It has been learned that the Houthis have taken captive the employees posted in the four provinces under their control - Amran, Hodeida, Saada and Sanaa.
