Mumbai. Actress Hina Khan, who was among the top TV actresses for a long time, is now trying out new opportunities in films and digital platforms. Her film Country of Blind, which received appreciation at many international film festivals and global forums last year, is now ready to be released in India. Here are the highlights of the conversation with Hina...
Nowadays, the stardom and work of artists is also being decided on the basis of internet media, how important do you consider it now?
Even big stars like Ranbir Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan are not on internet media at present. There are many such examples of stars who are not on internet media. I do not think that the stardom of an artist is determined by internet media. The stardom of an artist is determined by the acceptance of the audience. It does not matter whether he is on internet media or not. Having more followers may help you a little in promoting yourself or advertising for others.
At what points in life do you like to create a ruckus, and how much does it affect your life?
I don't like chaos in my life. I stay away from people who create chaos. For me, the definition of chaos is different. Have fun, joke, have fun, this is chaos for me. It is not that you create chaos in someone's life. I am not personally affected by chaos. Once or twice, there is an immediate reaction. However, then the very next moment it comes to mind that everyone has their own way of doing things, their own way of doing things.
Sometimes you have to raise your voice or create a ruckus for your rights?
Every person has a different way of raising his voice. In some cases you have to raise your voice. I believe that whatever the matter is, in the end your work speaks for itself. Nothing happens by creating a ruckus, you will just garner headlines for two-four days, then everything will calm down.