Chhattisgarh News: High school students also attended the collector's 'Janadarshan' in Rajnandgaon district of Chhattisgarh on Tuesday. During this, the children raised the issue of lack of teachers in the school. The collector sent them to the District Education Officer (DEO). The children allege that after seeing the memorandum, the DEO misbehaved with them and threatened to send them to jail. At the same time, the school children told their ordeal to the media while crying. Parents also came along with the school children. They also accused the DEO of misbehaving with the children.
In the memorandum, the school children have written that if teachers are not arranged within three days, they will stage a sit-in protest and lock the school. The district administration has assured to arrange teachers within two days. On
one hand, the central and state governments are running many schemes for the education of school children and spending crores, but there are still many schools where there is a shortage of teachers. A similar case has come from Aliwara School of Dongargarh Vikaskhand of the district where teachers have not been appointed for the science and arts streams of class 11th and 12th.
A student named Aarti Sahu told how she was mistreated. Parents told that there are no teachers for many subjects for the last two years. The collector has promised to arrange for a teacher within two days but he went to meet the DEO and the DEO spoke rudely to the children. That is why the children are crying. The school children have written in the application that if a teacher is not arranged within three days, they will protest and lock the school. Regarding this application, the DEO said, "Who has made you write such an application? You people will be in jail."