Harms of Drinking Too Much Coconut Water: Coconut water is considered very beneficial for health. Nowadays, many health and fitness-minded people are preferring to drink coconut water instead of sugar-filled energy drinks. Coconut water is naturally hydrating and contains a good amount of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and magnesium, which help keep the body hydrated. But is coconut water good for everyone? Today we are going to tell you about the hidden harms in this natural drink.
High levels of potassium
Coconut water contains a good amount of potassium. Consuming too much potassium can cause rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure and kidney problems. If a person has heart or kidney related problems , then he should drink coconut water in very limited quantities.
High Calorie
Coconut water has fewer calories than other drinks, but it is still a source of energy. Excessive consumption leads to increased calories, which contributes to weight gain.
Hormonal imbalance
Excessive consumption of coconut water can cause hormonal imbalance . The high potassium present in coconut water affects the secretion of aldosterone, which is considered an essential hormone for balancing BP and potassium. Along with this, it can also affect testosterone levels, which plays an important role in muscle mass and men's health.
Kidney problems
In some health problems like kidney problems, consuming coconut water can worsen the condition. Especially if someone has a problem of high potassium level, it is better to avoid coconut water.
Coconut water contains certain compounds that may affect digestion processes, causing gas, bloating or other digestive problems in some people.
Reaction with medicines
Coconut water can react with some medicines, which can change its effect. If you are taking any medicine, then you must consult a doctor before drinking coconut water.