Causes of Eye Pain And Burning: Pain or burning in the eyes is a common problem, but ignoring it is not wise at all. This can happen due to many reasons, such as watching the screen for a long time, coming in contact with dust or pollution or any eye-related problem. In this article, we will tell you which 5 reasons (Symptoms of Eye Problems) can be responsible for this if you are constantly feeling burning or pain in the eyes. Let's find out.
Digital Eye Strain
Excessive use of computers, mobiles and tablets makes our eyes very dry. This can cause problems like irritation, pain and blurred vision in the eyes. This is called digital eye strain, to avoid which, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. Apart from this, reducing the screen light, blinking regularly to keep the eyes moist and using blue light glasses are also beneficial.
Eye infections
Eye pain and irritation can occur for many reasons, some of which include eye infections. Problems such as conjunctivitis and uveitis can cause redness, watering, and blurred vision. Conjunctivitis usually causes the eyes to look red and swollen, while uveitis causes the inner layers of the eye to swell. Both of these conditions can also cause eye pain and sensitivity to light. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact an eye doctor without delay.
Eye Allergy
Dust, pollen or other allergens (things that cause allergy) around us often cause irritation, pain and itching in the eyes. Allergic reactions cause the eyes to become red and swollen. If you think your eye problems are caused by allergies, you should consult a doctor. They can prescribe the right allergy medication for you.
Dry Eye
Dry eyes, a lack of moisture in the eyes, is a common problem. When tears are not produced in sufficient quantity or dry up too quickly, the surface of the eyes rubs, causing pain, irritation and blurred vision. This problem is often caused by air conditioning, heating systems or prolonged use of digital devices. Artificial tears are usually used to treat dry eyes, which provide relief from pain and irritation by moisturizing the eyes.
Serious problems
Eye pain and burning are not always minor problems. Sometimes it can also be a sign of serious diseases like glaucoma or retinal dystrophy. If you suddenly experience severe pain, blurred vision, glare in light or any other change in eyesight, contact an eye specialist immediately. Early treatment can prevent serious problems.