Yoga For Puffy Eyes: Many times it happens that when we wake up from sleep, swelling is seen under our eyes which is also called puffiness (Eye Puffiness). This is a common problem, which is common with aging, but sometimes it is also due to lack of sleep, crying for a long time, kidney failure and apart from this, infection and weakening of muscles. However, you do not need to panic for this, because there are some yogasanas (Yoga For Eyes) by doing which you can easily get rid of eye puffiness. So let's know about these yogasanas (5-Minute Yoga For Tired Eyes).
Yoga Asanas To Reduce Eye Puffiness
bridge pose
To do this asana, first lie down comfortably on your back on the ground, and keep your palms touching the ground. Now join both your thighs together, bend your knees and lift your whole body upwards including the waist and keep your neck straight. Remember to keep your head still. Do this asana for a few seconds or a minute or two. Repeat this process.
Balasana (Child Pose)
It is also called Bal Mudrasana. To do this, sit on your heels while resting both your knees on the mat. Now extend both your arms forward and rest your forehead on the ground and take deep breaths 8-10 times and then repeat this process.
To do this asana, first stand comfortably and keep a distance of two inches between your feet. Now while breathing, move your body upwards along with both your hands. Now slowly bend your waist while moving your hands forward and take your hands downwards and touch the ground. If possible, touch your knees with your nose.
To do Matsyasana , lie down on your back and keep both your hands under your waist. Now lift your head along with your chest and then place the upper part of the head on the ground and press the lower part of the back. Hold your breath 5-7 times and take a deep breath from the chest and then repeat the same process.
This asana increases the blood flow around the face , which reduces swelling. Apart from this, stress can also be a cause of swelling under the eyes. In such a situation, Shashankasana helps in reducing stress and this asana also reduces the pressure on the eyes and relaxes them. To do this, first sit on your knees and rest your forehead on the ground. Now take the hands back and touch the heels and then stay in this posture for some time and slowly come to the normal position.