Karanveer Mehra has won the trophy of Bigg Boss 18. The actor's name has been in the news ever since he became the winner. The names of Rajat Dalal and Vivian Dsena were leading in the voting trends. People definitely appreciated his game, but very few people had any idea that he could become the winner of this show. Rajat has also expressed surprise at Karan's victory in many interviews. Meanwhile, Elvish Yadav has asked Karan himself the secret of his victory.
Elvish Yadav's podcast is in the news these days. In this, he invites stars to his show and talks to them in a different style. The name of Elvish's show is 'Podcast with Elvish'. Bigg Boss 18 winner Karanvir Mehra was seen in its latest episode. Let us tell you that Elvish and Rajat's friendship is very old. He was also seen arguing in the media round for his friend.
Elvish questions Karanveer about voting
Karanvir is far behind Rajat Dalal and Vivian Dsena in terms of fan following. This is the reason why some people are surprised at his becoming the winner. Elvish asked Karan, brother tell me one thing, Rajat Dalal has 1000 followers on social media and so does Vivian. But how did Karan win the trophy between these two? Who do you think voted?
Karanveer gave such an answer
Inside the Bigg Boss house, it was also seen that Karan used to present his point in a brilliant manner to the people. Even before Karanvir could answer, Elvish said, now you should say neutral audience. After hearing this, Karanvir says, no-no. Elvish then says, have the votes come from Pakistan? Answering all the questions, the actor said, ‘All the votes have come from India. When voting used to take place, it was heard that people used to go and give money to vote for this person. I thought if someone tells me this, I will keep the money, but I will vote only for the one who has played the game well. Has this happened with Vivian and the others? Something like this can definitely happen, you should conduct an inquiry on this.’
This video of Karanveer is going viral on social media. Fans are praising his way of answering. One user wrote, no one can beat Karanveer in speaking. Apart from this, most people are seen agreeing with him.