
Acharya Chanakya has explained many aspects of life in his ethics. Chanakya Niti also talks about some people who are abandoned even by their families. Forget about outsiders, even their own family members are unable to trust them. So let's know what else Chanakya has said on this subject.

This verse gives the description

There is a verse in Chanakya Niti, which is as follows -

In this shloka, Chanakya is talking about some such people who never get the support of their family. The family members themselves abandon them.


According to the meaning of the shloka, a person who betrays his own family is abandoned by his son, wife and other family members. Also, a person who believes what others say to be true and fights with his family members is also abandoned by his family.


so you must give up

Acharya Chanakya says that it is better to abandon such people, because if such a person is not abandoned, then such a person always remains the cause of fights in the family and also creates an atmosphere of unrest.


Such a person is also dangerous

Acharya Chanakya says that a person suffering from the habit of backbiting is no less than a traitor. There are many such examples in history, whose names are still taken with hatred due to their betrayal. Such people are not trusted by outsiders as well as family members themselves.
