
New Delhi. Cancer is a dangerous disease, whose treatment does not guarantee a hundred percent cure. Usually our chaotic lifestyle and irregular routine becomes the cause of this serious disease. In such a situation, it can be said that to avoid this dangerous disease, it is important to take special care of your lifestyle. By making some minor changes in your lifestyle, you can protect yourself from a fatal disease like cancer.

According to a study conducted by the American Cancer Society, the risk of cancer can be reduced by 40% in people over the age of 30 by just making some changes in lifestyle. Let's know about 3 such changes, by making which a part of your lifestyle, you can avoid the risk of cancer-

Stop smoking today

Smoking is the cause of almost 90% of lung cancer deaths. By consuming tobacco through smoking, many chemicals present in it destroy the DNA of the cells. The nicotine present in it is responsible for addiction to smoking. Smoke contains carcinogens that promote cancer. In such a situation, you can avoid the great risk of cancer by just staying away from smoking and other tobacco and intoxicants.

Take special care of your diet

High fat and low fiber diet leads to obesity, which directly increases the risk of bowel, lung, prostate, uterine cancer. Consuming lots of beans, lentils, fruits, seeds, lean meat, green vegetables, nuts etc. can prevent the risk of cancer to a great extent. However, it is wise to avoid street food, junk and processed food , packaged food, fatty red meat, heavily salted food, artificial sweeteners.

Get regular checkups

There are some cancers which are detected very late. In such a situation, it becomes difficult to treat them. Therefore, regular cancer screening is recommended. Women should definitely get screening done like mammography every one to two years. Also, some infections are also responsible for cancer, such as hepatitis B increases the risk of liver cancer. Screening also detects them in time, which makes it easier to avoid cancer.
