
In today's busy life, people are falling prey to many types of diseases. Problems like obesity and diabetes are common. The main reason behind all this is bad eating habits, sleeping late at night, waking up late in the morning, spending more time on the screen. However, people skip meals to reduce obesity. This makes them thin in a few days but there is a lack of essential nutrients in their body. In such a situation, they fall prey to many other diseases. The problem with today's generation is that they consider being thin to be healthy.


Social media, films and fashion industry have made a thin body a symbol of beauty and fitness, which is completely wrong. To stay healthy, it is important that you take a diet rich in nutrients. Exercise and get good sleep. Let's know about this in detail-


what does healthy mean

Being healthy means that you are physically, mentally and emotionally strong. Being healthy does not mean that you lose weight. You may be thin but if your immunity is weak and you get tired quickly while doing any work, then you cannot be called healthy.


Being thin doesn't always mean being healthy

Most people resort to things like dieting or fasting without expert advice to become slim . This does not provide your body with the necessary nutrients. Losing weight is beneficial only when you adopt a healthy method. You can exercise if you want. Take a proper healthy diet. Complete eight hours of sleep. Walk 10 thousand steps throughout the day. There are many such methods which will make you slim and also keep you healthy.


signs of being healthy

  • If you feel energetic throughout the day, this is considered to be the first sign of your being healthy.
  • Only your better digestion keeps you healthy.
  • Neither being too fat nor too thin, this also keeps you healthy.
  • Only mental health and positive thinking helps to keep you healthy.

Do these things to stay healthy

  • Include foods rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals in your diet.
  • Yoga, walking, stretching will also help in keeping you healthy.
  • Meditation and concentration will reduce stress and keep you healthy.