40 lakh looted in Saran: Criminals looted a jewellery shop in Chhapra, Bihar on Thursday evening. The incident is from Kolhua village of Sahajitpur police station area of Chhapra. It is said that four criminals on two bikes came to Priyanka Jewellers and Bartan Bhandar as customers and looted by showing weapons. Police reached the spot after getting the information and are investigating the case.
20 kg silver and 250 grams gold looted
Regarding the incident, it is said that about 20 kg silver and 250 grams of gold were looted from the shop, the value of which is said to be around 40 lakh rupees. After this incident, the shopkeepers tried hard to catch the criminals, but the criminals fired three rounds and shot the medicine shopkeeper Anoop Kumar in his left hand. After this, the injured Anoop was admitted to Baniyapur Referral Hospital. The injured person is out of danger, but he has been referred to Sadar Hospital for better treatment.
As soon as Senior Superintendent of Police of Saran Dr. Kumar Ashish got information about the incident, he immediately went to the spot and inspected the scene. The Superintendent of Police has examined the CCTV footage of the surrounding area. The FSL team has reached the spot and is collecting evidence. The Superintendent of Police has also examined the CCTV footage of the surrounding area and has spent a long time gathering information about how this entire incident took place.
Employees were slapped for protesting
Shopkeeper Subhash Kumar said that some customers were sitting at the shop, during this time criminals arrived on two bikes, who were carrying weapons. They entered the shop firing outside the shop. Later they started asking about the goods. When a staff opposed the criminals, the miscreants slapped the employees hard. After this all the employees became silent. After that the criminals took away 250 grams of gold and about 20 kg of silver kept in the shop. During this time, while leaving the shop, they also fired.