
Black Cardamom Water Benefits: Black cardamom water not only enhances the taste of many dishes, but is also very beneficial for health in winters. The medicinal properties present in it protect the body from many types of infections and keep it healthy. Drinking water of black cardamom soaked in water overnight detoxifies the body. Not only this, by drinking it daily, you can get many benefits (Benefits of Cardamom Water). Let's know about it in detail.



Big cardamom is a treasure of health

Black cardamom has been used in Ayurveda for centuries to treat many diseases. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties which make it an effective remedy for cold and cough.


Relief in cold and cough

The properties present in black cardamom help in clearing the respiratory tract and help in thinning the mucus and expelling it. This provides relief from the discomfort caused by cold and cough .


Improves digestion

Black cardamom helps in improving digestion and provides relief from problems like indigestion, gas and stomach pain.


Keep your teeth and gums healthy

Black cardamom has antiseptic properties that help prevent teeth and gum problems.


Boost your immunity

The antioxidants present in black cardamom help in strengthening immunity so that you can remain safe from different infections.


How to make black cardamom water?

Making black cardamom water is very easy. You can easily prepare it at home.



  • 2-3 big cardamoms
  • 2 cups water


  • Put water in a pan and boil it.
  • Add black cardamom in it and boil on low flame for 5-7 minutes.
  • Then filter it and take it out in a cup.
  • If you want, you can also add a little honey to it.

When and how to drink black cardamom water?

  • You can drink lukewarm cardamom water twice a day.
  • If you have cold and cough, you can drink it several times a day.
  • You can drink it on an empty stomach or after a meal.

Caution is also necessary

  • If you have any allergy then consult a doctor before consuming black cardamom.
  • Pregnant women and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before consuming black cardamom.