
The episode of Bharat Milaap is found in the Uttarakand of Ramayana written by Valmiki ji. After reading, listening or watching this episode, a person's heart fills with compassion.


The importance of that place situated in Chitrakoot remains the same today as it was at the time when Lord Shri Ram and Bharat ji met. Today a temple is also established at this place, which is known as Bharat Milap Temple. Today we are going to tell you about that temple.


Why is this temple special?

Bharat Milap Temple is situated on the Bhagwan Kamatnath Parikrama Marg in Chitrakoot, Madhya Pradesh. According to the story described in Ramayana, when Lord Rama went to exile, Bharata also came to Chitrakoot to accept him as soon as he came to know about this. He requested Lord Rama to return to Ayodhya, but Bharata was sent back with affection to fulfill his promise.