Anxiety is a mental condition that is triggered by stress and tension and then starts showing physical symptoms like increased heart beat. If a little anxiety lasts for a few hours or a few days, then it can be managed, but if this emotion does not get cured for 6 months, but becomes more severe, then it is a matter of concern. Symptoms of anxiety are fast heartbeat, rapid breathing, problems in focusing, problems in sleeping and a persistent fear. Although, severe anxiety conditions require therapy and medicines, but if anxiety is just beginning then it can be easily handled.
How to handle anxiety without medicines
Spend time in nature
Get out in nature to see trees, plants, sky, animals and birds and fresh air. Take a walk or sit quietly on a bench. If you cannot go out, then sit near a small flower pot in your balcony and look at the flowers and leaves. This not only soothes the eyes but also relieves mental stress.
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Take a long deep breath and fill your rib cage with air. Then exhale more than you inhaled. For example, inhale for 5 seconds and exhale for 7 seconds. Do this for two minutes.
Physical Activities
The best way to calm down an overactive nervous system is to remove that negative energy from the body. So do any kind of movement like swimming, running, yoga, dance etc. Keep in mind that this movement should be such that it does not cause any kind of pain.
Wash your mouth with cold water
When you feel anxious, splash cold water on your face. This increases blood flow to the deeper tissues of the face and balances the body temperature. It also diverts attention and provides instant stress relief .
Stay away from social media
Don't start using your phone when you feel anxious. On the contrary, it increases anxiety even more. Seeing the happy life of others, you start comparing your life with that, which increases anxiety even more.