Headache has become a common problem in today's busy life. To get relief from this, people often resort to medicines which can gradually become a big problem for health. In such a situation, if you also want to get rid of the hassle of medicines to get relief from headache, then this article is for you. Here we will tell you 5 such effective yogasanas (yoga for headache relief) with the help of which headache can be relieved in minutes. Let's know.

Ushtrasana is a yoga asana that not only makes your body flexible but also gives many health benefits. By doing this asana, the flow of oxygen to your head increases, which makes you feel refreshed. Also, this asana is also helpful in reducing stress and relaxes your body. Apart from this, Ushtrasana keeps the digestive system healthy by stretching your stomach and also improves your posture by strengthening the back.
Bridge Pose
Ushtrasana can also prove to be a boon for people suffering from headache. This asana not only reduces headache by reducing the strain on the neck and shoulders but also helps in making the body flexible. By doing this asana daily, your digestive system remains healthy and you also get relief from stress. If you also want to remain energetic throughout the day and are trying to get rid of the problem of headache, then you should do this yogasana daily.
Pawanmuktasana (Pawanmuktasana)
Pavanmuktasana is also very beneficial for people suffering from headache and migraine. It not only calms your mind but also makes the body flexible. Not only this, with the help of this asana, the digestive system can be corrected and the toxins present in the body can also be removed. To do this asana, lie down on your back and pull the knees towards the chest.
Balasana (Child Pose)
With the help of Balasana i.e. Child Pose, you can also get relief from headache and stress. Child Pose not only calms the mind but also benefits the body in many ways. This asana stretches the back muscles, opens the hips and reduces stress. Touching the forehead to the ground activates acupressure points which help in relieving headache.
Shavasana is a yoga asana that takes you into a relaxed mode. In this asana, you just have to lie straight on your back, which relaxes both the body and mind. This asana relieves stress and controls high BP. Apart from this, it also improves the quality of sleep, which also relieves headache.