A woman has been arrested for pelting stones on policemen during the violence in Sambhal in November last year. A police officer gave this information on Monday. Superintendent of Police (SP) Krishna Kumar told reporters on Monday, "During the violence on November 24, at around 12 noon, when the police was chasing away the rioters, a woman pelted stones on the police team from the roof in Hindu Pura Kheda area. After this, she was identified from a video."
Kumar said that the accused woman Jigra (40) was arrested on Sunday. The SP said, 'This woman was absconding for a month. She was arrested by the police from the house of one of her relatives in Asmoli police station area of Sambhal district. Other accused women are also being identified.'
The person who fired at the CO was also arrested
. Earlier, the accused of firing at the police circle officer was arrested on Sunday. In-charge of Sambhal Kotwali Anuj Kumar Tomar had told that a person named Salim, accused of firing at the police circle officer Anuj Chaudhary and injuring him, has been arrested in Bhure Khan's Ziyarat area located in Sambhal Kotwali area and he is a notorious criminal of the area.
He claimed that after the incident, Salim hid in Seelampur, Delhi. He was planning to surrender in a court in Sambhal but he was caught before that. Tomar said that Salim is also accused of looting cartridges from the police and the police have recovered a 12 bore pistol, five cartridges and an empty cartridge from him.
On November 24 last year, violence broke out during the survey of Jama Masjid located in Kot Garvi area of Sambhal. During this, four people were killed in the firing and many people including a sub-district magistrate and several policemen were injured. So far 54 accused have been sent to jail.