
New Delhi.  Apart from comfort and happiness, monsoon also brings with it many diseases. In this season, the risk of jaundice, flu, typhoid, hepatitis A increases, and the condition of asthma patients also worsens. Due to which your day to day life can be affected. Let us know about common allergic asthma in monsoon.

What is allergic asthma?

The most common type of asthma is the one that is triggered by exposure to pet dander, mold, dust mites or pollen. For example, the pleasant spring weather also brings with it a lot of pollen in the air, which can cause inflammation and irritation in the airways when inhaled and make it difficult to breathe. This leads to symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and chest tightness . Some people may also have problems like nasal congestion, itchy or watery eyes, rashes etc. 

auses of Asthma

Dr. Chandramani Punjabi, Consultant Chest Specialist, Delhi explains, 'Asthma can be caused due to many reasons. These include family history, childhood respiratory infections, excessive exposure to chemicals, smoking, obesity , exposure to tobacco smoke, use of smoke-producing fuels (wood/cow dung/kerosene) at home and air pollution. All these factors can increase the risk of developing asthma or make existing symptoms more severe.'

Apart from this, asthma can occur in many other ways and each of these has its own symptoms and triggers. These include exercise-induced asthma and allergic asthma. However, by paying attention to some things, this condition can be kept under control to a great extent.

Investigation and management

To diagnose allergic asthma, a number of tests are performed. These include tests such as blood tests or skin prick tests to determine allergen sensitivity. While asthma-related tests, such as spirometry or (FeNO) can be used to understand lung function.

Based on these tests, the necessary treatment is prescribed to the patient, in which inhalation therapy is the first option. This gives immediate relief to the patient. Sometimes asthma can be very dangerous, so doctors also suggest emergency medicines for it.


Control allergic asthma in these ways 

  • Stay indoors as much as possible during the spring and monsoon seasons. 
  • Maintain indoor humidity by using a dehumidifier or air conditioner. 
  • Take your medicines regularly. 
  • If you are an asthma patient, then definitely install air filters in your house, which work to clean the air in the room.
