
Rotherham: Riots have continued in different cities of Britain after the death of three girls. The protest of the demonstrators has turned into violence. Meanwhile, UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has criticized the protests. Keir Starmer warned the far-right protesters on Sunday that they would regret participating in England's worst demonstration.

He also said that he will take strict action regarding this. After the incident, Keir Starmer wrote on a social media post, 'I guarantee that those who participated in these riots directly or online will regret it. We will bring the criminals directly to justice.'

'This is organised violence'

The British PM also said that those who carry out this action online then run away themselves. PM Starmer says that this is not a protest, this is organised violence and thugs.

In fact, it was written on social media about the death of the girls that the killer of these three was an Islamic, since then violent riots have been going on in Britain. After this, the protesters broke many windows of a hotel, which was used to keep asylum seekers.

Bricks were thrown at the police

Rioters threw bricks, bottles and flares at police, injuring several officers. Shops were set on fire. Protesters shouted anti-Islamic slurs as they clashed with counter-protesters. It is being said that this riot is the biggest in 13 years. 
