
New Delhi: A cockroach entered a person's nose while he was sleeping. But he did not realize it. On examination, the doctors were shocked. Actually, the person felt something crawling inside his nose at night. After this, he felt that something had entered his throat. Due to this, he started coughing. However, he got relief the next day. But later, his uneasiness increased when his breath started smelling bad. Even after three days, this smell did not stop.

Nothing was found in the first investigation

This shocking incident is from Haikou in China's Hainan province. The 58-year-old victim said that he started spitting out yellow saliva with a foul smell. The frightened man immediately went to the doctor. He first consulted an ENT specialist in Hainan Hospital. But nothing suspicious was found in the examination of the upper respiratory tract.

Cockroach seen in chest CT scan

According to a report by Oddity Central, the man, who was disturbed by the smell, then visited Dr. Lin Ling, a respiratory and critical care physician at the hospital. In a chest CT scan, doctors found a shadow in the posterior basal segment of the right lower lobe. On examination, doctors found that something was wrapped in phlegm. When the phlegm was cleared, it was found to be a cockroach.

Now the person is completely fine

The doctors removed the cockroach from the windpipe. Cleared the phlegm and cleaned the windpipe repeatedly. Now the person is completely fine. He has also been sent home from the hospital. The bad breath has also gone. The doctor says that this is a very rare case.
