
Washington DC (US) ; Presidential elections are to be held in America on November 5 this year. Before this, both the major parties are busy cornering each other.At the same time, a report from The Hill has come out. According to which US Vice President Kamala Harris has eliminated former President Donald Trump's lead in seven key electoral states, about a week after becoming the presumptive Democratic candidate.

There is a tough competition between Harris and Trump

The Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll shows a close contest between Harris and Trump in all key states, with 48 percent supporting Harris and 47 percent supporting Trump.The division between different states shows each candidate leading comfortably in one state, while there is a close contest in other states.

This is a marked turnaround from those same polls in early July, which showed Trump leading Biden by 2 percentage points overall and in five of seven key states.Tuesday's poll showed Harris with an 11-point lead over Trump in Michigan, a 2-point lead in Nevada, a 2-point lead in Arizona, and a 2-point lead in Wisconsin.Meanwhile, Trump holds a 4-point lead over Harris in Pennsylvania and a 2-point lead in North Carolina. In Georgia, both candidates received 47 percent support, The Hill reported.

The survey surveyed 4,973 registered voters between July 24-28. It has a margin of error of 1 percentage point. The Bloomberg/Morning Consult survey is the latest sign that Harris' campaign has given the Democratic Party significant momentum following President Biden's exit from the race.

People are supporting Harris in large numbers

Harris, who stepped down hours after Biden withdrew, quickly rallied support among Democrats and raised more than $200 million in her first week as a presidential candidate.Other polls released since Harris became the presumptive Democratic nominee also show a close contest between her and Trump. But Harris herself has said that her campaign is weak in comparison to the former president, The Hill reports.

“We have to think clearly: We have a fight ahead of us and we are underdogs in this race, but this is a people-powered campaign, and we have momentum,” Harris told donors in Massachusetts on Saturday.

Importance of swing states in US elections

Some states in America play a very important role in elections and these states decide victory or defeat. In this election, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have been identified as swing states.

The President is elected through the Electoral College system, where each state has a certain number of votes. The votes of these states are crucial for any candidate aiming for victory.
