
Washington: In Ohio, America, a woman's habit of vaping became so serious that she narrowly escaped death. She had to seek medical advice due to serious health problems caused by her vaping habit, although now she is slowly recovering. Actually, the woman had a habit of vaping, when she started feeling something strange in her lungs, she went to the doctor and the doctor removed two liters of black and bloody fluid from her lungs.

The woman had been vaping for two years

According to The New York Post, 32-year-old Jordan Brielle started vaping in 2021 and quickly became addicted to it, spending up to $500 on vape products every week. She became so addicted to vaping that she was vaping while sleeping and even while taking a shower.

Brielle further explains that she does not want what happened to her to happen to anyone else. I feel grateful to the doctors for being alive. She told that vaping continued for two years and Brielle felt heaviness in her lungs last November, but still continued vaping.

I went to the hospital several times but nothing helped

At first, doctors said it was a respiratory infection and prescribed her medication. But she did not feel well as she noticed her deteriorating health condition and difficulty in breathing along with a persistent cough. She went to the hospital several times complaining of difficulty in breathing.

"I had a terrible cough and had to go to the hospital two or three times a week for help. I had little or no voice. Every time they would send me home. It felt like there was 80 pounds of pressure on my chest. I had never felt so sick in my life," Brielle recalled.

Then one day the situation got worse. Black mucus was coming out of my mouth and nose and my boyfriend immediately admitted me to the hospital and I was treated. The doctors removed two liters of black and blood-like fluid from my stomach after which I am feeling better and further Brielle says that I advise people not to do vaping.

