
Vastu Tips for Money: Many times we do something by mistake or unknowingly which causes Vastu Dosh. At present everyone wants to live a peaceful and prosperous life but due to Vastu Dosh, a person has to face financial, physical, and mental problems. Due to Vastu Dosh, negative energy comes to the house. Even a person has to face a financial crisis. Know some easy Vastu Tips that remove Vastu Dosh and bring financial prosperity to the house.

1. Health problems of our body are related to Vastu. For example, migraine is related to the northeast direction of our house. If there is any heavy construction, stairs, store, toilet, or kitchen in this direction, then there is a possibility of such a problem. Remove all these things from here and do the following remedy. Keep a big piece of alum here. Fill a copper, brass, or silver pot with water. Keep Ganga water. Plant a Tulsi plant. Keep the place clean and light.

2. There should never be three doors in a line. If this happens, the energy does not stay and there is no prosperity even after earning. Along with the money coming in, the path of going out is also created.

3. Put a wind chime on the main gate. Put three crystal balls on the door in such a way that two are placed in the corners and one in the middle. If possible, keep the main gate closed, open it only when someone arrives.

4. Always keep the temple of the house clean otherwise the gods do not reside there. Keep the fans of the house clean otherwise there can be health-related problems.

5. Always keep the mirrors and windows of the house clean, otherwise it can cause financial problems. If the wall clock has become dirty or has cobwebs on it, then clean it. It attracts negative things.

We do not claim that the information given in this article is completely true and accurate. Before adopting them, definitely take advice from an expert in the relevant field.
