
New Delhi. Every year the festival of Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on the full moon day of the month of Savan. But do you know how the tradition of making Raksha Bandhan started? Actually, there are not one but many mythological stories behind celebrating this festival, which are described in different texts.

The most popular story about Raksha Bandhan is related to the Mughal period. According to which, Queen Karnavati of Chittor sent a letter with a Rakhi to Emperor Humayun requesting protection of her kingdom. But we are going to tell you other mythological stories related to Raksha Bandhan.

Lakshmi Ji placed this demand in front of King Bali (Why Raksha Bandhan is Celebrated)

According to the story described in Skanda Purana, Padma Purana and Shrimad Bhagwat Purana, King Bali was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. Once Lord Vishnu took the form of Vaman to test King Bali's devotion. In this form, God came to King Bali's door to ask for alms and asked for three steps of land as donation. The king accepted this demand of the Brahmin. Lord Vaman measured the entire land in one step and the entire sky in the second step. Then when it was his turn to take the third step, King Bali put his head forward and said that you can put your third step on my head.

Seeing this generosity of the king, God was pleased and made King Bali the king of the netherworld. Then King Bali asked for the boon that you live with me in the netherworld. But due to this promise, Mother Lakshmi became upset. Then Mother Lakshmi took the form of a poor woman and went to King Bali and tied a Rakhi to him. When King Bali asked to ask for something in return for the Rakhi, Mother Lakshmi came in her real form and asked King Bali to free Lord Vishnu from the promise, so that he could return to his abode. Keeping the respect of the Rakhi, the king freed Lord Vishnu from the promise.

Draupadi tied a cloth to Shri Krishna

According to the story described in Mahabharata, when Lord Krishna killed King Shishupal with Sudarshan Chakra, blood started flowing from his finger. Then Draupadi tore a piece of her sari and tied it on Lord Krishna's finger. In return for this piece of cloth, Lord Krishna promised to protect Draupadi from every danger. Later, keeping his promise, Lord Krishna protected Draupadi at the time of her disrobing.

Indra's wife tied a protective thread

According to a story mentioned in Bhavishya Purana, when the war between Devas and Asuras took place, it continued for many days. Asuras started overpowering the Devas. Then King Indra got scared and went to Rishi Brihaspati. Brihaspati Dev suggested that Indra should get a silk thread tied by his wife Indrani (Shachi) sanctified by the power of mantras. Due to this Raksha Sutra, Indra won the war.

