
New Delhi: RBI stopped printing Notes Small notes are continuously disappearing from the Indian markets. Due to the shortage of 10, 20 and 50 rupee notes, not only the urban but also the rural population is facing problems. The poor are the worst affected. This has been said by Congress Whip in Lok Sabha Manikam Tagore in a letter written to Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.

letter written to finance minister

Tagore said in his letter to the Finance Minister,

Rural people are facing problems

Manikam said that it is understandable that the government is promoting digital transactions, but banning small notes is not right at all. Due to this, people who make small payments through notes every day are getting affected. People who do not do digital transactions or rural people are facing a lot of difficulties due to this.

Three demands made from the Finance Minister

The Congress leader demanded the Finance Minister to direct the RBI to start printing small notes again.

It should also be ensured that the supply of notes is sufficient to meet the demand of the people.

At the same time, Manikam also talked about emphasising on digital payment infrastructure in villages.

The Congress leader further said that daily wage labourers and street vendors are dependent on cash and hence they are facing problems.
