
New Delhi: Cancer has become a cause of concern all over the world these days. It is a serious disease, which can prove fatal in the absence of treatment. This is why timely identification and proper treatment is very important to prevent it. Meanwhile, a shocking study has recently come out about cancer. This new study by researchers from the American Cancer Society found that Generation X (Gen X) and Millennials are at higher risk of 17 types of cancer. Let's know about this latest study in detail-

What does the study say?

For this new study published in The Lancet Public Health Journal, researchers used data from 23 million patients suffering from 34 types of cancer and 7 million people over 70 years of age who died from 25 types of cancer. The age of these people included in this study was 25 to 84 years from 2000 to 2019. During this period, researchers calculated the rate of cancer and the rate of death due to cancer based on the years of birth from 1920 to 1990.

These people are at higher risk of cancer

It was found that cases of small intestine, kidney and pancreatic cancer were two to three times higher among people born in the early 1990s compared to those born in the late 1950s. Also, women born in the 50s had a lower risk of liver, oral and throat cancer than millennials. However, if you were born in the 1950s, you have a 169% higher risk of uterine cancer.

These 17 cancers are common

The 17 types of cancers identified in the study include gastric cardia, small intestine, estrogen receptor-positive breast, ovary, liver and intrahepatic bile duct cancers in women, non-HPV-associated oral and pharynx cancers in women, and anal, colon and rectal, uterine corpus, gall bladder and other bile ducts, kidney and renal pelvis, pancreas, myeloma, non-cardia gastric, testis, leukemia and Kaposi sarcoma in men.
