
New Delhi. Climbing Stairs Benefits:  Nowadays we use stairs less and use lifts or escalators more. Actually, these are made for our convenience, but we have become so dependent on them that now they have become the enemy of our health. You must be wondering how this can happen. Let us tell you that due to them, the use of stairs has become almost negligible. Whereas there are so many benefits of climbing stairs that you will be surprised to know. Therefore, you must climb and descend stairs at least two or three floors daily. Let us know what benefits can be given to your health by climbing stairs.

While climbing stairs, the muscles of our legs and thighs are activated. This strengthens them and also improves balance. This strengthens the lower part of the body. Also, it helps a lot in preventing knee pain. Therefore, climbing stairs daily is a very good exercise for the legs.

Climbing stairs is also very beneficial for the heart. Actually, climbing stairs reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. This reduces the risk of heart diseases. Also, climbing stairs also controls blood pressure , which is beneficial for the heart.

People often get breathless while climbing stairs. This happens due to weak lungs. Climbing stairs every day strengthens the lungs and also increases their working capacity. Therefore, climbing stairs is a good exercise for the lungs.

Climbing stairs is a type of exercise. Therefore, while doing it, the brain releases feel-good hormones. Due to this, the mood improves and stress also reduces.

Climbing stairs burns calories, which prevents extra fat from being stored in the body and helps a lot in reducing weight . Therefore, if you want to lose weight, climbing stairs daily can prove to be very beneficial.

With increasing age, we start having problems in maintaining balance, but if you make it a habit to climb stairs from now on, you can avoid this problem in old age. Actually, while climbing stairs, the coordination between muscles and brain is much better. This helps in maintaining better balance.
