
Kamika Ekadashi Katha Hindi This year the fast of Kamika Ekadashi is being observed on 31st July. On the day of Kamika Ekadashi's fast, first a resolution is taken and then the story of the fast is read on this day. It is said that one gets virtuous results just by listening to the story. It is said that the virtue that one gets by bathing in Kedarnath and Kurukshetra during solar eclipse and lunar eclipse, the virtue is obtained by worshipping Lord Shiva on Kamika Ekadashi and listening to the story.

Read Kamika Ekadashi Vrat Katha here-
Once upon a time, there lived a Kshatriya in a village. He was very proud of himself, especially his power and strength. The Kshatriya believed in God a lot, but he was arrogant in his mind, he used to worship Lord Vishnu every day and was engrossed in his worship. One day, he went out of the house on a journey for some important work. On the way, he met a Brahmin. Both of them fought over something. The fight escalated so much that it reached the point of a scuffle. The Kshatriya was very strong, so due to his weakness, the Brahmin could not bear the attack of the Kshatriya and he fell there and died.

The Kshatriya was stunned by the death of the Brahmin. He realized his mistake and regretted it a lot. This whole news spread like wildfire in the village. The Kshatriya youth apologized to the villagers and promised to perform the last rites of the Brahmin himself. But the Pandits refused to participate in the last rites. Then he wanted to know his sin from the learned Pandits, then the Pandits told him that he had been charged with 'Brahma Hatya Dosh', so he could not eat food at your house during the Brahmin feast of the last rites. Hearing this, the Kshatriya asked the way to atone for 'Brahma Hatya Dosh'?

Then the Pandits said that, unless he worships Lord Vishnu according to the rituals on Ekadashi Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Sawan month, and does not feed Brahmins and give donations, he cannot be free from the sin of Brahmacharya. After the cremation of the Brahmin, the Kshatriya, following the advice of the Pandits, worshiped Lord Vishnu with full devotion and according to the rituals on the day of Kamika Ekadashi, then he fed Brahmins and also gave donations. In this way, by the grace of Lord Vishnu, that Kshatriya was freed from 'Brahmahatya Dosh'.
