
Kangana Ranaut recently appeared as a guest on Aap Ki Adalat hosted by veteran journalist Rajat Sharma, where she openly discussed her upcoming film 'Emergency'. The 'Queen' star returned to the popular news television show after nine years, where she candidly spoke about her film and the threats she has been receiving for the film. Over the past few years, Kangana has always been quite vocal on socio-political issues and now she is in the news again for her next film, 'Emergency', for which the actress is also receiving threats. Now Kangana has reacted to these threats as well.

They cannot scare me- Kangana Ranaut

Kangana Ranaut, while talking about the constant death threats and its impact on the release of the film, said- 'You cannot scare me. These people cannot scare me. I will not let the voice of this country die. I will not let the constitutional rights in this country end. Not only me, every artist should have freedom of expression. These people can threaten me, they can say whatever they want to me, they have already threatened to kill me. No matter what they do, I will not let the voice of this country die.'

They will not let any artist rise tomorrow- Kangana Ranaut

Kangana continued her talk and said- 'Because if I step back, then these people will not let any artist come forward tomorrow. They will silence everyone by intimidating them and by doing that they will write a different history of their own. Which has happened with us before as well. We have been taught a different version of history. So we will not let that happen. We have seen it ourselves, we also have to do something for the country. We have to do something for the food and water we have taken from the soil of this country.'

Told the pending certification is unreliable

Let us tell you, earlier recently Kangana Ranaut had reacted to the death threats she was receiving due to the film through social media. The actress had shared a video of hers, in which she claimed that she was being asked to remove scenes related to Indira Gandhi's assassination and Bhindranwale from 'Emergency'. Kangana called the pending certification of her film 'unbelievable' and said that she was sorry for such cases in our country.
