
A woman has to go through many stages in her entire life. From the beginning of periods to menopause, she has to face many things. Menopause is a natural process, which all women have to go through after a certain age. In order to spread awareness about it, World Menopause Day is celebrated every year on October 18.

Even today, many people have many misconceptions and rumors about it in their minds. In such a situation, today in this article, we will learn some common myths related to menopause and their truth from Dr. Aastha Dayal, Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology at CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram-


Myth 1- Does menopause happen suddenly overnight?

Truth- This is completely wrong. Menopause is a long process. This transition, known as perimenopause, can last for several years before a woman enters menopause. After this, the woman experiences menopause, in which there are no periods for 12 consecutive months. Its symptoms can start even at the age of 40.


Myth 2- Menopause starts at the age of 50.

Fact: Menopause can happen earlier or later, but it usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. Some women may go through menopause before age 40 as a result of medical procedures, genetics or other reasons.

Myth 3- It is necessary to gain weight during menopause.

Truth- Weight gain can often occur during menopause due to hormonal fluctuations. However, this is not always necessary. In such a situation, stress management, regular exercise and a balanced diet can help in maintaining a healthy weight.

Myth 4- Hot flashes are the only symptom of menopause.

Truth: Menopause can cause a number of symptoms, including vaginal dryness, mood swings, night sweats, and changes in sexual desire, in addition to hormonal fluctuations. Not every woman experiences every symptom.

Myth 5- A woman's sexuality ends with menopause.

Truth- Sexual activity does not stop after menopause. Many women can continue to have an active sexual life by properly managing any physical discomfort.

Myth 6- It is not necessary to pay attention to your reproductive health after menopause.

Truth- It is wrong to think like this, because it is important to take care of reproductive health even after menopause. For this, regular medical checkups like pap smear, breast examination and monitoring of bone health should be done.
