
Vishwakarma Puja 2024: Vishwakarma Jayanti is being celebrated with great pomp across the country. Today is also Anant Chaturdashi and Bhadrapada Purnima. On this auspicious occasion, craftsman Vishwakarma ji is being worshiped with devotion. Special worship of Lord Vishwakarma is being done by installing idols at public places. Religious opinion is that worshiping Lord Vishwakarma brings happiness and good fortune. Along with this, career and business get a new dimension. This removes money related problems. If you also want to get rid of financial crisis, then today at the time of worshiping Lord Vishwakarma, do recite Mangalkari Sri Vishwakarma Ashtakam and Vishwakarma Stotra.


Vishwakarma Stotra

Obeisances unto You, the original form, O grandfather.

Obeisances unto You, known as Virāṭa, the worker of the universe.

He is the master of figure imagination and the leader of knowledge with three eyes.

O Viśvakarmā, You bestow all perfections. I offer my obeisances unto You.

A book, a thread of knowledge, a comb thread and a waterpot.

O Lord Viśvakarmā, having withdrawn Your bewilderment, I offer my obeisances unto You.

The universal soul, in the form of a ghost, destroys all kinds of suffering.

Obeisances to Viśvakarmā, who destroys the stars and other planets.

The universe is the abode of all the demigods, and the heavenly planets are the abode of the earth.

O Viśvarūpa, You have created this universe by His pastimes.

O Trimbaka, who carries a swan, I offer my obeisances to You, who pervade the universe.

I offer my respectful obeisances unto Viśvakarmā, the abode of all regions.

You are the transcendental Self, transcendental to illusion and eternal.

Obeisances to the pure and far-reaching Viśvakarmā.

Obeisances to You, the knower of Vedanta, who reside at the root of the Vedas.

Obeisances to Viśvakarmā, who moves in seclusion.

Anyone who recites this eightfold mantra of Viśvakarmā daily

Wealth, religion and a son will eventually attain the supreme destination.


Sri Vishwakarma Ashtakam

He is devoid of colour, formless, and devoid of choice.

I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who are free from disease and self-bliss.

He is without beginning, immeasurable, formless and victorious.

Obeisances to Lord Viśvakarmā, the form of the universe.

Obeisances to You, who enjoy the universe.

Obeisances to You, the creator of the universe, and to You, the worker of the universe.

Obeisances unto You, who are the form of the universe, and who are the source of all the universe.

Obeisances unto You, the Supreme Soul of the universe, the creator of the universe. Obeisances unto You.

He is Viśvāyu, Viśvakarmā, Viśvamūrti and the Supreme Being.

I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, Viśvanātha and Viśvakarmā, my father.

He is auspicious to the universe and enjoys the knowledge of the universe.

O Viśvakarmā, you are the mover of the universe. I offer my respectful obeisances unto you.

There is only one kind of tree in the universe and many branches of the universe

The branches and sub-branches of that tree were also of Viśvakarmā.

That tree is full of fruit and unshakable and transcendental

The incomparable universe is the seed of the omkara.
