
In Sanatan Dharma, Thursday is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. On this auspicious occasion, Lord Vishnu, the savior of the world and Brihaspati, the guru of Gods, are worshipped. Also, Thursday fast is observed for them. This fast is observed by married women and unmarried girls.


According to astrologers, fasting on Thursday fulfils every wish of the devotee. Also, happiness and good fortune increase. Unmarried girls observe fast on Thursday for early marriage. On this auspicious occasion, special worship of Lakshmi Narayana is done in temples. If you also want to be a part of the blessings of Lord Vishnu, then worship Lakshmi Narayana with devotion on Thursday . Also, chant these mantras (Vishnu Mantra) during worship.


Vishnu Mantra

1. Om Brihaspate Ati Yadaryo Arhad Dyumdvibhati Kratumajjaneshu.


Yaddidayachdavas ritaprajat tadasmasu dravinam dhehi chitram”.


2. Vrinda, Vrindavani, Vishwapujita, Vishwapaavani.


Pushpasara, Nandini Cha Tulsi, Krishnajivani.


Et Naam Ashtakam Chaiva Stotra Namarth Sanyutam.


Ya:Pathet Ta Sampoojya Sobhavmedh Falam Labhet.


3. Om Vasudevay Vighmahe Vaidhyarajaya Dhimahi Tanno Dhanvantari Prachodayat ||


Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Amrita Kalasa Hasthaya Dhimahi Tanno Dhanvantari Prachodayat ||


4.Om Namo Bhagwate Dhanvantrai.


Amritakarshanaya Dhanvantrai.


Vedhase Suraradhitaay Dhanvantrai.


Dhanvantray, the giver of all accomplishments.


Dhanvantrai is the protector of all.


Dhanvantray, the cure for all diseases.


Dhanvantray for the welfare of all gods.


All human beings' name is Hitaya Dhanvantrai.


Sarva Bhutanaam Hitaya Dhanvantrai.


Sarva Lokanaam Hitaya Dhanvantrai.


Sarva Siddhi Mantra Swaroopini.


Dhanvantraya Namah.


5. Om Shri Vishnuve Cha Vidmahe Vasudevay Dhimahi Tanno Vishnu: Prachodayat.


6. Mangalam Lord Vishnu, Mangalam Garundhwaj.


Mangalam Pundari Kaksha, Mangalay Tano Hari.


7. Padmane padma padmakshmi padma sambhave tanme bhajasi padmakshi yen saukhyam labhamyaham.


8. Dantabhaye Chakra Daro Dadhanam, Karagragaswarnaghatam Trinetram.


Dhritabjaya Lingitambadhiputraya, Lakshmi Ganesh Kanakabhamide.


9. Om Hreem Shree Kreem Kleem Shree Lakshmi Mam Grihe Dhan Purye, Dhan Purye, Concerns Dooraye-Dooraye Swaha:


10. Om Namo: Bhagwate Vasudevaya Namah.


11. Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam Padmanabham Suresham


Vishwadharam Gaganasadrisham Meghavarnam Shubhangam.


Lakshmikantam Kamalanayanam Yogibhirdhyanagamyam


Vande Vishnum Bhavabhayaharam Sarvlokaikanatham.


12. Om Devanam Cha Rishinam Cha Guru Kanchan Sannibham.


Buddhibhootam trilokesham tam namami brihaspatim.


13. Om Namo Bhagwate Mahasudarshanaya Vasudevaya Dhanvantraye:


Amritkalash Hastaaya, destroyer of all fears, cure of all diseases


Trilokpathaya Triloknathaya Shri Mahavishnu Swarup


Shri Dhanvantari Swaroop Shri Shri Shri Aushachakra Narayanay Namah.


Om Jai Jagdish Hare Aarti

Om Jai Jagdish Hare...


Om Jai Jagdish Hare, Swami! Jai Jagdish Hare.


Removes the troubles of the devotees in a moment.


Om Jai Jagdish Hare...


Whoever meditates gets the fruit, the sorrow of the mind goes away.


Swami, remove the sorrow of the mind.


May happiness and wealth come to your home and body's pain go away.


Om Jai Jagdish Hare...


You are my parents, whom should I seek shelter in?


Swami, whose shelter should I seek?


There is no one else except you, on whom I can hope.


Om Jai Jagdish Hare...


You are the complete God, you are omniscient.


Swami you are omniscient.


Supreme God, you are the master of all.


Om Jai Jagdish Hare...


You are the ocean of compassion, you are the protector.


Swami, you are the protector.


I am a foolish, evil and lustful person, please have mercy on me, O Lord.


Om Jai Jagdish Hare...


You are the invisible one, the master of everyone's life.


Lord and creator of all.


How can I meet you, O merciful one, I am evil-minded.


Om Jai Jagdish Hare...


Friend of the poor and the one who removes the suffering, you are my Lord.


Swami you are my Thakur.


Raise your hands, the door is open for you.


Om Jai Jagdish Hare...


Remove the vices and sins, O God.


Swami, please remove my sins.


Increase your faith and devotion, serve the saints.


Om Jai Jagdish Hare...


Aarti of Shri Jagdishji, whoever sings it.


Swami, any man who sings.


Shivanand Swami says, one will get happiness and wealth.


Om Jai Jagdish Hare...


Aarti of Maa Lakshmi


Om Hail Mother Lakshmi, Mother Hail Mother Lakshmi


Every day and night I serve you, Lord Vishnu


Om Jai Lakshmi Mata.


Uma Rama Brahmani, you are the mother of the world


The sun and the moon meditate, the sage Narada sings


Om Jai Lakshmi Mata.


Durga form Niranjani, giver of happiness and wealth


Whoever meditates on you, gets prosperity, success and wealth


Om Jai Lakshmi Mata.


You are the resident of the netherworld, you are the giver of good fortune


Karma Prabhav Prakashini, Trata of Bhava Nidhi


Om Jai Lakshmi Mata.


All good qualities come to the house where you live


Everything becomes possible, the mind does not panic


Om Jai Lakshmi Mata.


Without you no sacrifice would take place, no one would get clothes


The splendor of food and drink, all comes from you


Om Jai Lakshmi Mata.


Auspicious qualities temple is beautiful, Kshiroddhi goes


No one can get Ratna Chaturdasha without you


Om Jai Lakshmi Mata.


Aarti of Mahalakshmi, whoever sings it


Joy fills our hearts, sins go away


Om Jai Lakshmi Mata.