
Washington. The tussle between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump continues due to the upcoming elections in America. Before the presidential election, the first presidential debate took place between the two. According to the report of The Wall Street Journal, after the first debate held last week, Donald Trump has taken a six-point lead over Joe Biden. Donald Trump got 48 percent support and Joe Biden got 42 percent support.

This has been revealed in the poll. In this case, 80 percent of the people say that the current resident of the White House has become too old for a second term. According to reports, a similar poll was conducted in February regarding the election, in this too Trump got more support than Biden. Trump had a lead of just 2 points over Biden.

Demand to remove Trump from presidential candidacy

The reason behind this is believed to be Trump's impressive performance in the first debate. On the other hand, after Biden's poor performance, there has been a demand in the Democratic Party itself to remove him from the presidential candidature. After the debate, this discussion gained more momentum than before, US President Joe Biden has accepted after the debate that he could not do well in the debate with Trump. However, Biden has also clearly refused to back down.It is being said that Vice President Kamala Harris has also raised questions on Biden's candidature, but she has also supported Biden.
