
Two candidates of the Bahujan Samaj Party filed nominations for the Amla Lok Sabha seat in Uttar Pradesh. Since there were two candidates from the same party, their nominations were rejected. As soon as this news came out, there was a stir from UP to Delhi, and when this news reached the BSP supremo, Mayawati and Bareilly officials hurriedly held a meeting on Zoom and confirmed who was the BSP candidate from Amla. 

Mayawati confirmed to the officials in the Zoom meeting that the authorized candidate of Bahujan Samaj Party is Syed Abid Ali and he has been given the ticket by the party. After this, the administrative officials of Bareilly heaved a sigh of relief and considered Abid Ali as a candidate and declared his nomination valid, and directed him to take legal action against the fake candidates. In this case, a case has also been registered against the fake candidate at a police station in Lucknow.  

The BSP supremo, while talking to Bareilly officials through video conferencing, confirmed that the person who has been made the candidate by Bahujan Samaj Party is Syed Abid Ali and the other is a fake candidate. Instructions have been given to take legal action against Satyaveer Singh. After this, the officials considered Syed Abid Ali as the BSP candidate and released his nomination.   

What did the CDO say after the meeting with Mayawati? 

Bareilly CDO said that two people were claiming to be BSP candidates from Amla Lok Sabhathe seat. Both had form AB. Signatures of both were present. This confused me, however, later the National President of Bahujan Samaj the Party made a written complaint to the Election Commission that no form had been issued by them to any Satyaveer Singh. In this matter, an FIR has also been lodged in Lucknow by the BSP General Secretary, the receipt of which has been submitted to the Chief Election Commission, Uttar Pradesh. 

He said that taking cognizance of this paper an investigation was conducted. The National President of BSP participated in this through the Zoom app. Apart from them, Amla's Observer and Abid Ali were present in the meeting along with their agent. However, other candidates were not present in it. After that, the National President confirmed Syed Abid Ali as his candidate from Amla. 

What did Syed Abid Ali say after the zoom meeting? Zoom candidate Abid Ali has accused SP candidate Neeraj Maurya of this. He said that this was a conspiracy of Neeraj Maurya. They want to cripple the Muslim vote. Neeraj Maurya, a resident of Jalalabad, had filed this fake form by making a fake symbol of Satyaveer of Jalalabad and using the signature of a fake sister. I have won one victory in this election and with the blessings of my sister, the second victory is in the hands of the public. I would like to appeal to the public, what will the person who can prepare fake symbols and fake signs do with you?
