
New Delhi. It is mentioned in the Puranas that at the end of Kalyug, Lord Vishnu's Kalki avatar will take place, who will be the tenth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. According to mythological beliefs, Vishnu ji's Kalki avatar will fight the fourth Dharma Yudh of Kalyug, after which Dharma will be re-established. Let us know who else is going to fight this fourth Dharma Yudh along with Kalki avatar.

These are the religious wars so far

The first Dharma Yudh took place between the Gods and Demons, which is known as Devasur Sangram. The second Dharma Yudh took place between Lord Ram and Ravana in Treta Yug. The third Dharma Yudh took place in the form of Mahabharata. According to mythological beliefs, the fourth Dharma Yudh will be fought in Kali Yug.

They could not fight the war

Barbarik, who is known today as Khatu Shyam, could not fight the Mahabharata war because Lord Krishna had asked him for the donation of his head. But it is believed that he will support Lord Kalki in the fourth Dharma Yudh. Along with this, Yuyutsu, the step brother of the Kauravas, will also participate in the fourth Dharma Yudh. Despite being a brother of the Kauravas, he had decided to support the Pandavas, but he was appointed by Yudhishthira to look after the arrangements of weapons of war etc.

They were not in favor of war

Shri Krishna's elder brother Balram also did not fight the Mahabharata war. He had taught the Gatha to both Duryodhan and Bhima. That is why he was against this war. Along with this, Hastinapur's state minister Vidur also did not participate in this war, because he was in a dilemma as to on whose side he should fight the war.

They also did not participate

The king of Udupi took care of the arrangements for the bhajans of the Kauravas and Pandavas during the Mahabharata war, but he did not participate in the war. Similarly, Ved Vyas taught both the Kauravas and the Pandavas. He also composed the Mahabharata text, but he stayed away from the Mahabharata war.
