
Everyone likes the taste of Brinjal Bharta or its vegetable, but do you know that this vegetable can also be harmful for health (Side effects of Brinjal)? Actually, in this article we are going to tell you about 5 such problems, people suffering from which should stay away from consuming brinjal because not doing so can cause great harm to health. Let's know how.



Gas, acidity and indigestion

Consuming brinjal can lead to digestive problems, which can increase problems like gas and acidity. The digestive system becomes even more sensitive during monsoon. Therefore, people who already have gastric or digestive problems should avoid consuming brinjal as it can increase their problems further.


Eating brinjal is not at all beneficial for people suffering from anemia. Actually, some elements present in brinjal reduce the absorption of iron in our body. As a result, the problem of anemia can become more serious. Therefore, if you are suffering from anemia, then completely avoid consuming brinjal.


Allergy problems

Although being allergic to brinjal is rare, its possibility cannot be ruled out. An element called 'solanine' found in brinjal can cause this allergy. If you have problems like itching on the skin, swelling in the face or throat, difficulty in breathing or stomach pain after eating brinjal , then it is possible that you are allergic to brinjal. In such a situation, consumption of brinjal should be stopped immediately and a doctor should be contacted.


problem of stones

Eating brinjal can be very harmful for people suffering from kidney disease. Brinjal contains a high amount of an element called oxalate. This oxalate is a major cause of kidney stones . If you are already suffering from kidney stone problem, then brinjal should be completely removed from your diet.


Arthritis and joint pain

Arthritis patients are advised to avoid nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, capsicum and eggplant. These vegetables contain an element called solanine, which can cause inflammation and pain in some people. This solanine can increase joint pain in arthritis patients. Therefore, arthritis patients should exclude eggplant from their diet.
