
New Delhi.  The purpose of World Brain Day, celebrated every year on 22 July, is not only to increase awareness about brain diseases, but also to tell people about how to keep the brain healthy. Keeping the brain healthy is more important than keeping the body healthy, because the brain controls most of the body's functions. Problems like stress, depression, anxiety reduce the efficiency of the brain.

To keep your brain healthy even as you grow older, you don't need to go to the gym and work out hard. You can keep your brain healthy and happy for a long time with very simple methods. Let's find out how.

Do meditation

The best way to keep the brain healthy and active is to meditate for some time every day. This relaxes the mind, increases focus power, improves memory and also improves brain functioning. 

Take a walk

To make the brain healthy and strong, exercises like weight training, running or stretching are not required, a short walk every day is enough to keep the brain fit and healthy. Walking exercises the brain as well as the body. Blood and oxygen circulation in the brain happens properly. Due to which the brain remains  healthy even with increasing age .

Do gardening

Living near nature also keeps the mind tension free and away from stress . Research has also shown that people connected to nature are happier and more satisfied. Seeing trees, plants, flowers, rivers, waterfalls, mountains gives a feeling of peace and calm. To keep the mind healthy, it is very important to keep it clutter free.  

Learn new things

To keep the brain active and strong, learn new things, be it a new language, a musical instrument, dance or any other art. The brain remains engaged in learning new things and the more you work with the brain, the longer it will remain healthy.

Participate in sports

Participate in any kind of sports from cricket to football, badminton, kabaddi. This increases blood circulation in the brain, which makes it strong and increases its decision making power. The ability to remember things also increases.
