UP Teacher Recruitment: The way has been cleared for more than 27 thousand vacant seats in teacher recruitment in Uttar Pradesh. The Supreme Court has upheld the order of the Lucknow Bench of Allahabad High Court in the recruitment of assistant teachers for 68,500 posts in basic education. In this case, the High Court had ordered that the state government should recruit on the vacant seats.
Actually, some candidates had gone to the Supreme Court demanding that the cutoff marks be reduced and the candidates be selected for the vacant posts. But the Supreme Court has rejected their petition. Now after the petition is rejected, the Basic Education Department will proceed with the recruitment process as per the High Court order.
This is the whole matter.
In 2017, the Supreme Court had cancelled the adjustment of Shikshamitras who were adjusted to the post of assistant teachers in the schools of Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Council. After this decision of the court, about 1.37 lakh teacher posts became vacant. After this, the UP government had issued recruitment in two phases.
In one phase, recruitment of teachers was announced for 68,500 and 69,000 posts. After this, the examination was conducted. When the result was declared, the cutoff for the unreserved category was 45%, while the cutoff for OBC and other categories was 40%. But due to non-availability of eligible candidates, more than 27 thousand posts remained vacant.
What was the order of the High Court?
Some candidates had demanded reduction of the cutoff by alleging that answer sheets were changed in the recruitment exam. For this, a petition was filed in the Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court. The High Court had then ordered a CBI inquiry in this matter. Then the government had gone to the double bench in this matter.
Then the double bench had ordered the government to recruit for the vacant posts. But the petition of the candidates who went to the Supreme Court demanding appointment by reducing the cutoff marks was rejected there too.