Amavasya Tithi is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the protector of the world, and the ancestors. On this day, people take a bath in the holy river and offer water to their ancestors. They also offer tarpan to them. According to religious belief, by doing this remedy, the seeker receives the blessings of the ancestors.
This time the first solar eclipse of the year will occur on Chaitra Amavasya (Chaitra Amavasya 2025). In astrology, the phenomenon of solar eclipse is considered inauspicious, which affects the people of the zodiac sign. In such a situation, with the help of some measures, one can get rid of this inauspicious effect (How to Avoid Solar Eclipse Bad Effects).
Surya Grahan 2025 Date and Time
According to astrological calculations, the first solar eclipse of the year will take place on Chaitra Amavasya i.e. March 29. The solar eclipse will begin on March 29 at 02:20 pm and will end at 06:16 pm. This solar eclipse will not be valid in India, due to which its Sutak period will also not be valid.
- After the solar eclipse, take a bath and do puja. After this, donate food to the poor or in the temple as per your faith. It is believed that by doing this remedy, you will get rid of obstacles in your career. Also, you will get the desired career.
- To remove the inauspicious effects of solar eclipse, offer water to the Peepal tree. During this time, pray for happiness and peace in life. It is believed that by doing this remedy after the solar eclipse, a person gets happiness and prosperity.
- Apart from this, take a bath after the solar eclipse ends and throw six coconuts in flowing water after hitting them over your head. It is believed that by doing this remedy one gets rid of the inauspicious effects of solar eclipse.
- If you are facing the inauspicious effects of solar eclipse, then after taking bath, worship the gods and goddesses. During this, recite Aditya Hridya Stotra with a true heart . It is believed that by doing this remedy, the seeker gets the blessings of Sun God and business grows.