Sanjay Nirupam on Congress: Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Nirupam raised the issue of illegal Bangladeshi citizens after the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan and also targeted the Congress. Sanjay Nirupam said, "Maharashtra Congress has stood in support of the Bangladeshi who attacked Saif Ali Khan."
Sanjay Nirupam said, “The party president has called a press conference and raised questions on the ongoing investigation of this case and said that the Mumbai police is unnecessarily implicating the Bangladeshi intruder. This is not the first time that the Congress has come out in support of Bangladeshi intruders. This is their declared policy. In fact, this policy is at the root of the problem of Bangladeshi infiltration in India.”
Bangladeshi citizens indulge in criminal activities - Sanjay Nirupam
Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Nirupam said, "From Trinamool Congress to the Left and Congress, all of them have never taken strict action against Bangladeshi intruders in the name of secularism. Rather, Trinamool encourages infiltration in West Bengal to increase its vote bank. The people of Delhi and Mumbai are suffering the consequences of this. The state governments should take strict action against them without any leniency and drive them back to Bangladesh. Because these Bangladeshis come for labour and are involved in criminal activities."
This is what Sanjay Nirupam said when Saif Ali Khan was discharged
Earlier, Sanjay Nirupam had raised questions on the video of Saif Ali Khan coming out of the hospital. He had said, "The video has raised questions. We are not against Saif Ali Khan's family. The doctor said that a 2.5 inch piece of knife had pierced Saif Ali Khan's back. The auto driver said that Saif's body was bleeding a lot. The doctor said that the surgery lasted for six hours. How is it possible that a person gets discharged from the hospital in four days in such a fit condition after suffering so much?''