Shares of Kalyan Jewellers India Limited, a gold jewellery manufacturing company headquartered in Thrissur, Kerala, got locked in a lower circuit of 10% on Wednesday, January 15. The stock has fallen sharply. On January 15, 2025, the company's stock opened at Rs 600.00 against the closing price of Rs 596.40. But after that it kept falling. At one point during the day, a lower circuit was imposed on the stock. The stock has fallen by -32% in the last 9 trading sessions. The company recently released business updates for the December quarter. The company said that the company continues to perform better in terms of growth.
Kalyan Jewelers- Listing in the stock market took place in March 2021. Kalyan Jewelers has a large share in the jewelry retail segment in India. The company's main revenue comes from India and the Middle East regions.
The company's market cap has fallen from Rs 82,000 crore to Rs 55,500 crore. MF exposure in the company is quite large. Motilal Oswal Midcap Fund has bought 6.3%. Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund has bought 1.3% stake. Sundaram Mid Cap Fund has 1% stake in the company. What is happening... The company has projected 39% revenue growth for the December quarter. For India business, Kalyan's revenue grew by 41% during the third quarter. The company has benefited from strong festive and wedding demand. Same store sales of about 24% have been seen in this quarter. The company has launched 24 Kalyan showrooms in India during the recently concluded quarter, and has a strong pipeline of showroom openings during the current quarter. Ramesh Kalyanaraman, Executive Director, Kalyan Jewelers, said that it is necessary to look beyond the stock fluctuations for a few days and focus on the long-term trend. He said, "Kalyan Jewellers has consistently performed well in the last two and a half years. There may be short-term volatility in the stock due to profit booking, correction or macroeconomic factors. What does Kalyan Jewellers do - It is a leading jewelry retail company in India, which manufactures and sells jewelry made of gold, silver, diamonds, and other precious stones. This company is known for reliability, quality, and its wide design collection. The company was started in Kerala by T.S. Kalyanaraman in the year 1993. The head office is in Thrissur, Kerala. The company's main business is in India and the Middle East (UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait). Branch network: 150+ showrooms in India and abroad.