
The share of the government company was around Rs 384 in January. At the same time, it again fell to the price of Rs 220. But now there is a sudden rise. The stock opened at Rs 273.95 against the closing price of Rs 266.49 on Friday. After this, the stock reached the level of Rs 290. The stock has climbed 25 percent in two days.

We are talking about ITI. ITI Limited i.e. Indian Telephone Industries is an electronic product manufacturing company of the Government of India. The Government of India company was established in 1948. The government's stake in the company is 90.28 percent.

Now why is the stock rising?  ITI jumped 25% in 2 days, as the co-led consortium has received a BharatNet order worth Rs 3 thousand crore. The company's market cap is Rs 27000 crore. On Friday, the stock rose 10 percent during the day to reach Rs 290. The consortium placed the lowest bid (L1) for the BharatNet project worth Rs 3,022 crore for the middle mile network. Public sector telecom company BSNL had invited bids for the design, supply, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of BharatNet's middle mile network in 16 packages/circles. Vedanta Share: Big relief from Supreme Court- Share rises Under the third phase of BharatNet, ITI, along with its consortium partners, has emerged as the lowest bidder for BharatNet Phase-3 project in the states of Himachal Pradesh for package number 8. For package number 9, orders worth Rs 3,022 crore have been received in West Bengal and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The ITI-led group has bid for 11 packages so far. Out of these, it has succeeded in securing these two packages. There are a total of 16 packages. Two cover the entire country. 
