It is described in Devi Purana that when Navratri (Shardiya Navratri 2024 Start Date) starts on Thursday, the Goddess arrives in a palanquin. At the same time, the end of Navratri on Saturday means that Mother will go on foot.
The arrival of Maa Durga on a palanquin is not considered auspicious. The departure of Maa Durga with her Charanayudha is also not considered auspicious. In such a situation, it can have a bad effect on human life. If you want to get the full benefit of Navratri, then keep some rules in mind for this.
These are the results
Moon Sun elephant Saturn in horse.
The boat is said to be in the dola of Guru and Venus on Mercury
Gajesh Jalda Devi Kshatriyabhanga Turangame.
The accomplishment of a task in a boat is inevitable for death in a rocking boat

It is described in this shloka that when Navratri starts on Friday or Thursday, the mother comes riding on a palanquin. This is not considered auspicious. Due to this, the country and the world have to face partial epidemic or natural disaster. At the same time, the departure of Mata Rani's Charanayudh can increase sorrow and unrest in life.
keep these things in mind
If you are lighting the Akhand Jyot during the nine days, then you should not leave the house empty during this time. You should also stay away from garlic, onion, meat, alcohol etc. during this time. It is mentioned in Vishnu Purana that the devotee who observes the fast of Navratri should not sleep during the day. Meditate on Mata Rani and do not bring negative thoughts in your mind. Also, celibacy should be followed during this time.