
In Hinduism, the period of Pitru Paksha is considered dedicated to the ancestors. During this period, Shradh, Tarpan and Pinddaan etc. are performed for the peace of the soul of the ancestors. It is also important to take care of many rules during Pitru Paksha. Black sesame seeds are also specially used in Shradh rituals. In such a situation, the blessings of ancestors can be obtained by some measures made with black sesame seeds.


The gods of ancestors will be pleased

Aryama Dev is called the god of ancestors and he is worshipped during Pitru Paksha. In such a situation, offer black sesame seeds to Aryama Dev during his worship. By doing this, Aryama Dev as well as ancestors are pleased. Along with this, during the worship of Peepal tree, light a mustard oil lamp and put black sesame seeds in it and donate Chhaya. During this, remember the ancestors. By doing this, the ancestors bless their family with happiness and prosperity.


Remedy for Ekadashi of Pitru Paksha

Indira Ekadashi is celebrated during Pitru Paksha . In such a situation, you can offer black sesame seeds to Lord Vishnu in the worship of Indira Ekadashi falling during Pitru Paksha. By doing this remedy, happiness and prosperity remains in the house. Along with this, you


Use sesame seeds in this way in Tarpan

During Pitru Paksha, there is a ritual of offering tarpan to the ancestors. Black sesame seeds are especially used in tarpan. In such a situation, during tarpan, black sesame seeds should be mixed in water and offered to the ancestors. This gives peace to the soul of the ancestors and they become happy and bless you. Along with this, by adding black sesame seeds in water, arghya should be offered towards the south direction. This also pleases the ancestors.
