
The time of Pitru Paksha is considered very special. It is also known as Shradh. This is an important period for performing tarpan for ancestors, which lasts for 16 days. It is believed that performing tarpan for ancestors during this period gives them salvation. Also, the problems related to Pitra Dosh are resolved. At the same time, some important rules have been made for this period, which are also very important to follow. However, many times people ignore it, which should not be done, because it creates trouble in life, let us know about those rules.


What to do?

  • During the Shraadh Paksha , the offering of tarpan and pinddaan to the ancestors must be done.
  • It is considered good to take bath in River Ganga at this time.
  • Cows, crows and dogs should be fed during this period.
  • During this period, invite Brahmins at home and give them food, clothes and Dakshina.
  • Organise Gita recitation for the peace of ancestors.
  • Do not insult any guest who comes to your house.
  • Maintain purity of mind and home.
  • Do as much worship as possible.

What not to do?

  • Do not eat any non-vegetarian food during this period.
  • Maintain celibacy during these days, as ancestors come to earth and they also visit their homes.
  • During this period, one should not buy new clothes, gold-silver, jewellery etc.
  • House warming should not be done during this period.
  • One should also stay away from alcohol and gambling during this period.
