
There is a difference in the methods of performing last rites in all religions. While cremation is done in Hinduism, Islam has a tradition of burying the dead body. Similarly, a different method of performing last rites is also seen in Parsi religion. Today we are going to tell you how last rites are performed in Parsi religion and how it is different from the last rites of other religions.

How is the funeral performed

A very different way of funeral is seen in Parsi religion. In which instead of burning or burying the dead body, it is placed on top of the Tower of Silence. This tower is like a circular building, which is also called Dakhma. During this, the dead body is kept in the sunlight under the open sky. After which vultures, eagles and crows etc. eat that dead body. This method of Parsi funeral is called 'Dokhmenashini'.


What are the beliefs

In Parsi religion (Parsi Funeral Rituals Rules), the tradition of Dokhmenashini has been going on for centuries. In which after the death of a person, his dead body is left in the lap of nature. Regarding this, Parsi followers believe that burning or burying the dead body pollutes nature, that is, nature is harmed. On the other hand, according to Parsi religion, performing last rites also fills the stomachs of birds like eagles and vultures and there is no harm to nature.
