
Every Ekadashi has significance in Hinduism. The Ekadashi date of Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapada month is known as Parivartini Ekadashi. On this day, there is a ritual of worshiping Lord Vishnu's Vamana avatar and Lord Ganesha. It is said that all sins end with the effect of this fast. According to the Hindu calendar, this year this fast (Parivartini Ekadashi 2024 Subh Muhurat) will be observed on September 14, 2024, when this festival is so close, let us know about its fast story (Parivartini Ekadashi 2024 Vrat Kath), which is given here.


Parivartini Ekadashi Vrat Katha (Parivartini Ekadashi 2024 Vrat Kath In English)


Yudhishthira said, O Lord! What is the name of Bhadrapada Shukla Ekadashi ? Kindly tell us its method and its glory. Then Lord Krishna said, I am telling you the glory of the best Vaman Ekadashi, which destroys all sins, you listen to it carefully. This Padma/ Parivartini Ekadashi is also known as Jayanti Ekadashi. Performing its yajna gives the result of Vajpayee yajna. There is no better way to destroy the sins of sinners than this, the person who worships me (in the form of Vaman) on this Ekadashi, the three worlds are worshipped by him. Therefore, the person who desires salvation must observe this fast.

Those who worship the Kamalnayan Lord with a lotus definitely go near the Lord. One who fasted and worshipped on Bhadrapada Shukla Ekadashi has worshipped the three worlds including Brahma and Vishnu. Therefore, one must observe the fast of Harivasar i.e. Ekadashi. On this day, Lord Shri Hari turns over, hence it is called Parivartini Ekadashi.


Hearing the words of Murlidhar, Yudhishthira said, "O Lord! I have a lot of doubts about how you sleep and turn sides, and how you tied up King Bali and what acts you performed in the form of Vaman? What is the method of observing Chaturmas fast and what is the duty of a human being when you sleep? Please tell me this in detail." Then Shri Krishna said, "O King! Now listen to the story that destroys all sins. In Treta Yug, there was a demon named Bali. He was my ardent devotee. He used to worship me with various types of Vedic Suktas and used to worship Brahmins and organize Yagya every day, but due to hatred towards Indra, he conquered Indralok and all the gods.


For this reason, all the gods gathered and after deliberation went to the Lord. Indra and other gods including Brihaspati went near the Lord and bowing down, started worshipping and praising the Lord through Vedic mantras. So I took the fifth incarnation by assuming the form of Vaman and then defeated King Bali in a very brilliant manner. Hearing this conversation, King Yudhishthira said, O Janardan! How did you defeat that mighty demon by assuming the form of Vaman? Then Lord Krishna said, I requested Bali for three steps of land and said, 'This is equal to three worlds for me and O King, you must give it to me.'


Considering it a trivial request, King Bali promised me three steps of land and I expanded my Trivikram form to such an extent that I placed my feet in Bhoomi, thighs in Bhuvarlok, waist in Swargalok, stomach in Mahalok, heart in Janlok, throat in Yamalok, face in Satyalok and head above it. Sun, Moon, all the planets, Yoga, Nakshatras, Indra etc. gods and all the serpents like Shesh etc. prayed with Vedic suktas in various ways. Then, holding the hand of King Bali, I said, O King! With one step the earth and with the second, heaven were completed. Now where should I place the third step?

Then Bali bowed his head and I put my foot on his head due to which my devotee went to the netherworld. Then seeing his request and humility I said, O Bali! I will always be near you. On the request of Bali, son of Virochana, my idol was installed at Bali's ashram on the day of Bhadrapad Shukla Ekadashi. Similarly, the second one was installed on the back of Sheshnag in Kshirsagar! O King! On this Ekadashi, God turns sideways while sleeping, therefore Lord Vishnu, the Lord of the three worlds, should be worshipped on that day. It is appropriate to donate copper, silver, rice and curd on this day.



Along with this, one must stay awake at night. Those who observe the fast of this Ekadashi according to the rules, get freed from all sins, go to heaven and shine like the moon and get fame. Those devotees who read or listen to this story, get the fruits of a thousand Ashwamedha Yagyas and get the blessings of Shri Hari forever.
