
Water is as important as oxygen for living. It is very important to have adequate water in the body to stay healthy. This keeps us hydrated, which eliminates many problems. However, just drinking water is not enough to stay healthy. It is equally important that this water is clean. These days, the trend of packaged water has increased a lot. People are often seen drinking water from these packaged water. However, drinking this water may quench your thirst, but it also causes serious damage to health.

This water found in these plastic bottles harms health in many ways, which people keep drinking without knowing. If you also often drink bottled water, then today in this article we will tell you the side effects of drinking this packaged water-


Harmful Chemicals

Many chemicals present in plastic can mix in this water packed in plastic bottles , which can not only change the taste of water, but drinking it can also cause serious damage to health. This can cause many health problems.


Mineral deficiency

Some bottled waters lack essential minerals like calcium and magnesium compared to natural water resources.

toxic substances

When water is distilled using a chemical process, some bottles can release toxic byproducts into the water that can have negative health effects if swallowed.

Microplastics can enter the body

According to some studies, bottled water contains microplastics that can enter the body and possibly cause a number of health problems.

waste of money

Drinking regular packaged water is a waste of money, as it can be more expensive than tap water or other natural resources.

Bad impact on the environment

Making, shipping, and then disposing of plastic bottles leads to resource depletion and plastic pollution.
