Mahakumbh 2025: Tulsi Peethadheeshwar Jagatguru Rambhadracharya had a special conversation with ABP News on Wednesday. During this, he said that Pakistan-occupied Kashmir will also soon be a part of India. Special religious rituals will be organized in his camp in Prayagraj Mahakumbh to ensure that PoK is under the control of India.
Jagatguru Rambhadracharya said that one crore sacrifices will be made by performing yagna and havan. If the gods and goddesses bless, then Pakistan-occupied Kashmir will also soon become a part of India. Jagatguru Rambhadracharya has reacted to Maulana Shahabuddin Barelvi's claim that the Maha Kumbh will be held on the land of the Waqf Board.
Islam started 1500 years ago-
On the claim of Rambhadracharya Maulana Barelvi, he said that only foolish people are saying such things. Maha Kumbh is being organized since Satyug. Whereas Islam religion started only 1500 years ago. Since when did the holy stream of Ganga come under the control of Waqf Board? Such statements are given only to create controversy.
He has praised the arrangements being made by the governments of PM Narendra Modi and CM Yogi Adityanath in the Maha Kumbh . Swami Rambhadracharya had come to Prayagraj today to lead the procession of Ani Akharas of the Vaishnav sect i.e. the cantonment entry procession. Swami Rambhadracharya will now stay in Prayagraj Maha Kumbh for several days.
Let us tell you that in the divine and grand event of Maha Kumbh-2025, which is happening after 144 years due to the special astronomical coincidence of planets and stars, all the Akharas are entering the cantonment in the Maha Kumbh Mela area as per the date and tradition. Three Akharas have entered on Wednesday. Maha Kumbh is going to be organized in Prayagraj between 13 January and 26 February. Its preparations have almost been completed.